Welcome to the Online Payment System of A3 Smart Business Security
I am hereby authorizing A3 Smart Home LP (the “Company”) to electronically charge my credit card account or debit my deposit account specified on the Payments tab of the Billing page of the website (the “Payment Account”) in the amounts and on the dates specified in the below-referenced contracts, the Billing page of the website and/or the statement in order to make either or both (1) my monthly subscription payments due under my A3 Smart Home Subscriber Agreement (“Subscriber Agreement”) and/or (2) my monthly payments due under my Retail Installment Contract (“Credit Agreement”). The foregoing charges or debits to my Payment Account are the “Automatic Payments” I am agreeing to.
In addition, in the event that any charge to my Payment Account made under this authorization is not honored by my financial institution, I authorize the Company to reinitiate that charge one time within 5 business days of the first charge attempt. I also authorize the Company to electronically debit or credit my Payment Account at any time to correct any erroneous credit or debit to my Payment Account. I acknowledge and agree that I am responsible for overdraft, insufficient funds, and other service charges that my financial institution may impose in connection with my Payment Account.
Amount of each Automatic Payment: The amount of the monthly fee(s) due under the Subscriber Agreement and/or the payment due under the Credit Agreement (as applicable) will be as I agreed to when entering into the Subscriber Agreement and/or Credit Agreement (as applicable) (together, the “Monthly Payments”). I understand that the Company will provide me a statement each month that reflects the amount of such Monthly Payments, and that such statement will be provided to me at least ten (10) days before the date of my next scheduled Automatic Payment. I further understand that the Company may recalculate the amount(s) owed for such Monthly Payments to ensure I am current under the Subscriber Agreement and/or the Credit Agreement (as applicable) and that any such recalculation will be reflected in the amount of the Monthly Payment on my statement.
Date of each Automatic Payment: The date of each Automatic Payment will correspond to the Payment Due Date specified in my Subscriber Agreement or Credit Agreement (as applicable). If my next Automatic Payment date occurs on a weekend or a holiday, the Automatic Payment may occur on the next business day.
Stopping Payments; Cancellation of Authorization: I understand that this authorization will remain in full force and effect until I notify the Company in writing at (800) 669-7779, that I wish to cancel this authorization. I understand that the Company needs to receive my notice at least 3 business days before the next scheduled Automatic Payment date in order to cancel this authorization before that date. In addition, the Company may cancel this authorization at any time except as limited by applicable law.
I also understand that I may stop any single payment by notifying the financial institution that holds my Payment Account, orally or in writing, at least 3 business days before the scheduled date of the payment.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you cancel your authorization or otherwise stop/cancel Automatic Payment, pursuant to the terms of the applicable agreements, the services the Company provides you may be terminated, and you may be required to pay the remaining balance for installation/equipment under the Credit Agreement. For more information, please reference your Subscriber Agreement and/or your Credit Agreement.
I am hereby authorizing the Company to charge my Payment Account on file with the Company in the amount specified on the Payments tab of the Billing page of the website. In addition, in the event that any charge to my Payment Account made under this authorization is not honored by my financial institution, I authorize the Company to reinitiate that charge one time within 5 business days of the first charge attempt. I acknowledge and agree that I am responsible for overdraft, insufficient funds, and other service charges that my financial institution may impose in connection with my Payment Account.